Saturday, 23 February 2013


Myself and Stephen we're headed to the beach after Valentines day to do a quick shoot by the water. The shoot was short and sweet, although Stephen was freezing by the end of it. In total the shoot lasted no more than twenty minutes. We were aiming for two poses and that's what we got, one with him lying by the waves smoking and the other up close looking down to him as he's smoking. They were so successful that one was even featured on the Vogue Italia website! You can view the Vogue link: HERE

Thursday, 31 January 2013


My shoot with Suzi was definitely one of the strangest ones I've ever done - so far. It involved nine litres of milk, lots of white and cream fabric, a bouquet of roses and a goat skull. Suzi's personality is so easy going and sweet, it just makes the atmosphere before, during and after shooting peaceful. Her unusual, versatile style would suit any theme, and today we went for a 'Renaissance painting' style. The final product came out exactly how I wanted them to. Suzi truely brings a photographer's vision to life.

'The Madonna"



Friday, 18 January 2013

Elida Lavelle.

The first time I worked with Elida I thought she was an amazing model, beautiful, sweet and can take on any style and personality on request during the shoot. This girl knows what she's doing! And, I knew I had to work with her again. Here are two photos from our first shoot, so that one can compare the difference between both shoots.

Our most recent shoot was a grunge style. We had originally planned to shoot in an abandoned warehouse, filled with graffiti on every story, but we had a visit from some unexpected visitors which resulted in us finding a new location for our shooting. Which worked to our advantage, as we used the only lighting available at that time of night, the street lamps. Over all, the images were quite successful, and Elida's ability to remain completely still for long exposures in the freezing cold and rain was really amazing, and are what made the images special and unique!

If you wish to contact Elida for work:
Follow me on Facebook by clicking [HERE]

Thursday, 17 January 2013

My First Publication!!

I'm one of four photographers from around the world who has been published in issue 13 of Bare Hands Poetry and Photography journal :) It was an honor being chosen, and the fact that they've chosen two of my images for this issue and are publishing another next month is truly mind blowing! I still cant believe it! A massive thank you to Suzi Coombs and Kerrie Greaney who posed for the images! :) You can read the journal and view the images online [HERE]

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Katie Higgins

A month after I had taken up shooting models, and pursuing photography as a career, I had worked with Katie Higgins for three days in a row. Her being a Fine Art student also, we had both collaborated our creative ideas, shooting from morning till night, with the assistance of my inspirational aunty, Eleanor, to create wonderful images that we shall always be proud of. Katie willingly modelled in a freezing cold lake, lay upside down on a sofa and even "levitated," proving her determination to get the perfect image. This model is truly a pleasure to work with.

And, here we are, five months since the last time we worked together, shooting rather strange portraits. My style of photography has clearly developed and changed (compare above and below images - taken 5 months between each other) but one thing had remained the same, the mutual respect and ability we both had to work with together, (with a few giggles and 'the photographers turn to lie down and pose for demonstration' along the way). Earlier today we shot a tasteful 'nude' or 'false nude' shoot, including baby powder, mesh cloth and a vintage model of a ship. Katie's unusual, (and stunning) features were truly perfect for this shoot and were what made these photos unique and memorable. The idea was to create a feeling of loneliness, alienness, with a hint of freedom. I am absolutely in love with these images and I hope to create more like these in the near future. And, I most certainly will be working with this talented model again.


To Follow Katie's facebook page, or if you wish to contact her for shoots, click [HERE]

And, if you wish to follow my facebook page or would like some information about shoots, 
click [HERE]

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Katie Smith

It's been a long time since I've made a blog, and the first time since I've taken an interest in photography. So, I'll make it short and sweet. Shooting Katie was a great experience, for the two of us, it being her first professional photoshoot ever and being my first shoot of 2013. Challenging, as we had to race against the clock, before all the good, natural light was gone. But, we did it, with the help of her family. My favourite from the shoot was one I titled, Requiem. It is such an atmospheric image and something that I should be doing more often. Over all it was an amazing shoot and it was great to put my new lens into practice!


Many thanks to Katie and her sister for baring the wind and rain during todays shoot!